Building a Dream Team
We recently bought the giant Jenga game to play as a family with our six- and three-year-old. As we began teaching our oldest the “strategy” of playing the game, it got me thinking of how similar playing Jenga is to building a team. The challenge of moving each piece without making the tower fall – is similar to moving internal talent around and bringing on new talent, all while keeping your foundation strong and not letting the tower collapse.
Delicately deciding your next move…
Hiring new talent is the same. Fit of personality, leadership style, and communication all have to be considered. How will this person fit in with the rest of the team? What will they bring to the team?
These are decisions I’ve had to make my entire career. Balancing wanting to hire the best, while also understanding that in order to grow my business – I need to surround myself with others that do not always think the same as me, value those that come from a different background, and appreciate individuals that will challenge me to think uniquely. These are all qualities that I deeply respect, and in turn, have rounded me out as a leader.
Doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results.
I’ve been there and done that. I have hired individuals that thought like me, lead like me, and communicated like me. And where did it get me? Not very far. Yeah, I had decent results at first – but once I started diversifying my team, hiring others that lead opposite of me and thought differently, I started seeing dramatically enhanced results.
And the results were not all number based. I saw results in myself. It made me grow.
My engagement had changed. I was challenged, my fire was ignited, and I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone – all because of who I had surrounded myself with.
Here at Modified Logic, we are truly building a Dream Team. Our team has many years of experience in what they do, what they have seen first-hand, and the variety of customers they have helped through the services that we offer. As we stay on top of industry trends and engaged in what our customers’ needs are, on-going learning and development for our team is an absolute must in order to continue bringing our clients the right Solutions.
My Team and I look forward to connecting with you! We are all always available and we look forward to serving you.
Success is founded in Logic & Modified through Innovation

About Modified Logic
With over 20 years of experience, Modified Logic has a proven record of providing the highest level of support & exceptional services for Laserfiche clients across multiple different industries. From initial deployments and expansion initiatives, to providing responsive support & continuous maintenance – Modified Logic provides everything you need to ensure a successful Laserfiche implementation. Modified Logic also specializes in business process automation, custom integrations, and providing advanced Digital Transformation services through Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Business Intelligence & Analytics, and more!
Contact Us
130 N Preston Rd. Ste. 100, Prosper, TX 75078
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm